Record £6,625 given in Grants through the Trust's Schools Award

For over 20 years, Surrey Gardens Trust has run an annual Schools Awards programme to encourage the development and use of school grounds as a learning environment. We believe that if children can learn about the natural world by becoming involved in appreciating and caring for a garden around their school, they will continue to value the land around them in future life.

In 2022 the Trust received over 40 applications from Primary, Junior, Infant and Nursery schools. We were able to award £5,500 plus another £725 thanks to money raised selling teas and cakes at Dunsborough Tulip Festival.  Grants were awarded to 37 schools and ranged in value from £300 to £60.  Squires Garden Centres kindly donated £200 in garden vouchers which were given to ten schools. We are hoping that some members of the Committee will be able to visit schools this year to see the progress on these projects. 

Gardens and productive outside spaces are so important in schools particularly in the light of the problems they have faced in recent times. Many applications mentioned how necessary they were for the mental health of the children and, indeed, the staff. One school wished to use part of their outside space as a memorial to their late caretaker who was a proud gardener. Most of the awards were granted for the creation of sensory gardens, wildlife areas, ponds, creating or updating allotments and even a Jubilee Garden. Many schools wished to purchase child-sized tools and gardening gloves. 

A full list of recipients of this year’s Schools Awards can be found here.
