Join US
Surrey Gardens Trust is a charitable organisation and a member of the Gardens Trust. As a member of the Surrey Gardens Trust you will be helping us to safeguard our rich heritage of beautifully designed parks, gardens and landscapes across Surrey as well as funding our various grants and awards that enable us to conserve these sites and educate young people about the joys of gardening.
““We welcome new members. Join us to enjoy lectures and visits with like-minded individuals whether through an enjoyment of gardening or an appreciation and interest in the historic designed landscape. We are an active charity and there are always opportunities to get involved. Let us know what your interests are and we will be in touch.””
SINGLE: £20 / JOINT: £30
Joint is two adults living at same address
The membership year runs from 1 June to 31 May. For anyone joining after 1 March, the subscription runs until 31 May of the following year.
A Gift Aid declaration is included on the membership form. We would be grateful if you could complete and return this with your application if you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to do so.
If you have any queries please contact us
A Winter Lecture series focusing on historic gardens, planting design and other garden related topics
An annual programme of visits to gardens and parks (some of which are private and not accessible to the public) led by knowledgeable guides
Select Study Days on a range of topics including garden history, conservation, important landscape and garden designers, etc.
A tri-annual Newsletter
The opportunity to become involved in researching, recording and conserving Surrey's parks and gardens
Our Annual General Meeting with keynote speaker and Christmas party
For further information about the Trust or if you are interested in helping on any committee please use the 'contact us' form below
The Trust has a President and a Chairman. The Council of Management consists of the Council members (up to 20) and is responsible for the operation of the Trust. One third of the members of Council retire at each AGM and the Chairman is elected annually by the Council.
The Trust's Articles of Association together with the latest report & accounts are available for your information.
Council Members
Chair – Sarah Dickinson
Vice-Chair – Brenda Lewis
Treasurer – David Hanson
Minute Secretary – Lisa Creaye-Griffin
Membership Secretary – Andrea Buttle
Research & Recorders – Fiona Maccoll
Planning Consultations – Don Josey & Helen Parvin
Events Coordinator – Sheri Sticpewich
Newsletter Editor – Sarah Dickinson
Other Council Members – Helen Parvin, Alex White, Marion Woodward
The Surrey Gardens Trust has a number of committees and groups that focus on specific aims of the Trust and help to share the workload. The current committees are:
Research and Recording Group
Communications Group
Events Committee
Schools Committee
Projects Committee
We would welcome any members who would like to volunteer to assist on any of the groups or committees above.
No experience is required – just a willingness and interest to help