30th Anniversary Party
The celebration of the 30th anniversary of Surrey Gardens Trust.
dunsborough park, ripley, Woking
6 september 2021
Following the postponement of our party at Chilworth Manor, we were delighted to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Surrey Gardens Trust with members and special guests at Dunsborough Park, Ripley. Baroness Caroline Sweerts de Landas Wyborgh most generously gave us private access to her beautiful garden on the eve of their Autumn Open Days when their extensive Dahlia collection will be in full bloom. The weather was absolutely glorious and the gardens provided a magnificent backdrop to our celebrations. With approximately 75 guests it was a wonderful opportunity to catch-up and renew old acquaintances.
ACE SMA, is a charity in its infancy set up by the Sweerts de Landas Wyborgh family to raise awareness and aid essential research into the debilitating disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The Trust made a donation of £250 to ACE SMA as a thank you to the family.