

Surrey Gardens Trust works to champion Surrey's rich heritage of historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes

Follow the links below to read about our extensive events programme of lectures and visits, the work we do in the community and how you can get involved.

oxford shires & spires tour
24-26 June 2025

We are thrilled to announce a 3-day tour of seven remarkable gardens in Oxfordshire. Includes guided tours of the gardens, talk by Timothy Walker and buffet dinner. Space is limited.
Read more about our trip here

We have an active Research and Recording Group investigating important sites and researching their history.

Surrey has a wealth of historic gardens both of national and local importance.

We organise a year-round programme of events including lectures, study days and guided garden visits. 

Our researchers often publish their work on historic sites in Surrey.

We provide annual awards to primary and infant schools to help fund garden projects and other gardening activities. 

Our Gateway project gives disadvantaged adults access to beautiful gardens. 

our Instagram account

For more stories, photos and news follow us on @surreygardenstrust

We always welcome new members